Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Another thought!


1978...  Referenced by the author in Chapter 1.  My first year in college.  I was a young 17 year old freshman.  Not a computer in the whole school, except  in the business office (a punch card reader!).  Everyone still possessed a typewriter. Word processor?  what was that?  I never learned to use one.  Throughout college, I was a key puncher, I could not keep my fingers on the keyboard.  I kept a lot of erasable typing paper around.  Ever watch Mr. Musson type?  The two finger method.  He was pretty accomplished, though.


Katie Morrow said...

Then we are very impressed! Even with clunky fingers you seem to spell out great thoughts!

Tammy Myers said...

I hear you. I was a terrible typer and we did not have erasable paper. I remember skipping school to finish my senior term paper. It took me forever to type it. Always messed up getting the footnotes in right. Would n't save enough at the bottom of the page. I'd mess up and have to start the page again. Technology has made our lives a lot easier.